Creative Writing Wednesday

The morning started out like most mornings.

better known as the "butter" hound. He is a counter surfer and will devour a whole stick of butter in about hlf a second.

Jake is as punctual as a dog can be, he starts  right on time, with his usual sitting and staring me in the face until I acknowledge his presence. Ignoring him is not optional; he just escalates to the next level.  He starts rubbing his shoulders back and forth on the side of the bed, jarring me to consciousness.  Sometimes I can put him off by telling him it isn’t time and roll over, turning my back to him.  He won’t be put off by this maneuver for long.  He runs to the other side of the bed and continues his shoulder rubbing.  He is persistent, but I am stubborn and only half awake.  Jake escalates to the next level. He knows that this works every time. He jumps up, front paws on the bed and begins breathing in my face.  Mind you, he has morning breath too.

Out the door to the food bin, dish it up and wait. The monsters “wolf” it down. They wantonly look over to me as if asking “is this it?”  When they realized they have eaten their daily ration, they rush out to the yard to do things they haven’t done since last night. Meanwhile, I usually head for the shower, but not today. I am off work. My plan is to do as little as possible.  I sit on the sofa for a few minutes. It is raining, and it is pelting against the windows.  Calming and relaxing.  I close my eyes.

Bam!   I am jarred awake again. Max is scratching at the door.  I am a sloth. Slowly rising to my feet, I tread over and open the door. The monsters make their entrance, insist on their ear scratch. I am too slow. They block my path until I do what is minimally required.  I go back to bed.  They quickly follow suit.

Apparently Mother Nature wasn’t briefed on the plan for the day.  I am rudely awakened to the shrill alarm on the NOAA weather radio.  I get up to silence the ear splitting warning system by pushing buttons until I find the right one.  Listening to the weather bulletin, I decide I have nothing to worry about; it was already thundering and wind howling. I crawled back into bed.  After punching the lumps in the pillow, I close my eyes.  Trying to still my mind and drift back to sleep, the radio starts screaming “No you don’t. You are not getting to sleep through this weather.”

Resigned to not sleeping in, I make a cup of coffee; eat some yogurt, granola and cheerios. Afterwards I sit on the sofa. Max is on my right and Jake is to the left. We sit contently listening to rain and thunder. There goes the alarm again. It must have sounded off at least twenty times today (twenty times more than I wanted).


The sky darkens. I have to switch on the lamps to read.  There is a steady sheet of rain pouring in front of the kitchen window. Boom! The thunder is loud. The rain is loud. The monsters’ snores are loud.  The wind is loud.  I listen.

When I hear the whirring sound of the refrigerator, I realize the sounds of the storm have quieted. I walk back into the bedroom and see it. Clear as day. Jake has left his muddy paw prints on the floor and has rubbed mud all over the quilt. Guess I have to get started doing chores.  I took some photos of after

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Hope your day is fun as mine.


We continue to settle into the Stone Cottage. While Leslie made omelets for breakfast, The monsters and I decided to survey the grounds. Max and Jake took their “sniffs” while I took the camera. We could hear the drumming of a woodpecker off in the distance but the monsters hardly took notice, they were too busy stimulating their olfactory senses , rooting around the yard. I searched for the drummer but couldn’t ever locate it. I did catch glimpses of  other song birds I have yet to identify.


After breakfast, we decided to look take a ride into Ft Payne to a flea market. It was a bit disappointing to say the least. The place was so full of cigarette smoke, that all I could think about was getting out of the place.  Making a quick escape, we went “junking” in downtown  Attalla.   We had a late lunch at Jefferson’s  ( in downtown Gadsden. Their Nachos Supreme dish was good. I over ate.

We then made our way home.  Trying to find a “shortcut,” I got lost. Thank goodness for GPS.

To end the day, I managed to flood the laundry room. I turned the water on, to rinse out the mop and clean the sink, so I could sanitize my seed starting trays. I walked out of the room, got distracted and forgot the water. It overflowed. We spent the next 30 minutes mopping up the water.

Another great day on Lookout Mountain

Wait!!! What is it? is it a bird?
Wait!!! What is it? is it a bird?
Is it a plane?
Is it a plane?
Is it superman?
Is it superman?
No. It just my ball...
No. It’s just my ball…


It is only Thurday, but playing ball with my humans is such great fun…

One more for the road.

This is what I like to do. I chase the ball, cause I am fast.
This is what I like to do. I chase the ball, cause I am fast.

Waiting patiently for his favorite girl.

He has been waiting patiently for his favorite girl to come home.
He has been waiting patiently for his favorite girl to come home.

Max has been taught since he was a pup to find Leslie when I ask him to do this. Max will go room by room until he finds her. I had told him that Leslie would be home from spending time in Huntsville with her family.  His ears perked up when I said those magical words “Where’s Leslie?” He went straight up to door, looked at me with his tail wagging and “asked to go outside.” He then raced out the door, and ended up at the top of the drive. He was looking for her car. He stood there a while ( I took the photo) until I called him. He was focused. Searching for a clue, he knew she was coming and he was going to meet here at the door. When his girl got there, she had a special treat for him. She had a ball. One that we hope is indestructible. We have been unsucessful in finding those kind of toys.  He played ”volleyball” with her for about half an hour then he went to bed. He was happy. He had both his humans home . All is good.

Before and After

Leslie is spending the weekend in Huntville with her family so I (and the monsters)  have been left to fend for ourselves.  After yesterday’s winter storm, today has turned out to be a nice spring-like day here. It being too mild to be inside and too wet to work the garden plots, I decided to work on the wood pile. A couple of days ago, Leslie bought a dump truck load of wood. When I say dump truck, I mean the guy backed into the driveway and pushed a lever, dumped the load, took the payment and left.         Before

I spent the better part of the afternoon, stacking and sorting the wood. The end result is shown.

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Time for the motrin now. My back is screaming “uncle”. 

As a sidebar, the monsters notified me that there was a herd of deer in the woods just across from our driveway. I counted eight, could have been more. Jake, the Snake,  was so excited, he was hopping up and down like a rabbit. Too funny when he gets excited. After the excitement was over, he decided to bask in sun.

Basking in the sun

 Ah to be a yellow dog lying in the sun.

Another Rainy Day

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It continues to rain here on Lookout Mountain. During a break in the drizzle, I took time to walk around and I snapped a few photos.  I could hear the roar of Allgoody Creek from the terrace when I was surveying the view. I walked to the edge of the brow and could see the runoff in the distance.   The rain started up again as I made my way back to the warmth of the house. Enjoy.

Jake, the Snake

Jake, the Snake

Yesterday, this buddy brought his mom a dead squirrel, broke containment in his yard and couldn’t get back in. Clearly excited about his offering, he dropped it at her feet and started dancing around. Afterwards, he broke containment in his fence and couldn’t make his way back in. He was waiting patiently for us to come “rescue” him. He looks so innocent, yet his looks can be deceiving.